How do I access the full-text of an article?


Type the title of the article in question on the SearchAll bar on the library webpage.

In the search results page, if you locate the article and you find "Fulltext Online" under it, click on it to access the article.

If you find "Citation Online" then the article is not available in our collection. You may try searching for it on Google Scholar, or searching by journal title.
If the article is still not accessible, you may order it by filling the article request form or sending it by email to


Kindly note if you are off-campus, once you click on "Fulltext Online" it will redirect you to an ezproxy page requesting you to enter your AUB username & password. Once you do, you will have access to the article.

  • Last Updated Dec 10, 2019
  • Views 71
  • Answered By Joyce Aways

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